Monday, August 14, 2023


 As people are growing older            and older,

the quest doesn't become long life, as the days are running out.

It becomes meaning,

            if they're wise.

If there's only more days, drained of meaning,

life becomes


Photo by Ravi Kant

Fortunately it seems,

most people think,

that squeezing out a couple of kids, or attain power, or just be part of any

powerplay (as if the very act of reproduction, or pulling other peoples' strings, or meddle where they need not           is quite enough to, not soak in perhaps, but get enough moisture, not to die of thirst.).

Bless their hearts.

Self portrait: with Spirit

But for the rest of us; the tainted, the tattered, the broken            the worried minds,

the answer can never be that simple. Or, we simply can't reach that far (it's difficult when your arms are lame or sinkhole gripped tired.)

Meaning is elusive

can never be owned (for the power people it's as irritating as love. In the end you cannot fake it, however hard you try).

We have to be very imaginative,            or very simple

For now, the highest meaning in my own Self,

is being with tribe (when energy allows)

being alone with Spirit (when need arise)

and the goal supreme            worth every strife

is making pancakes for embodied Love.

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