As the days grow shorter - we can pray to Sunna, to Sol, the SunGoddess of the cold North. She knows well how every ray is worth it's weight in gold. Fire hair flowing, as she drives her sunchariot over the sky - day after day.
Be at ease. The wolves may chase her, but she wins the race. Every day takes skill and effort. Every day is precious.
It is said that the skywolves will catch up with her one day, and eat the sun so there is no more day. But that Sunna has given birth to a daughter - shining bright and new - who will light up the world once again.
Perhaps this happens every year. Surely Sunna, or Sunna her daughter will return after the darkest day.
Give a prayer in any case. Because thankfulness to any force is never lost. Our hearts expand, and we shine brighter, when we remember that many fight hard to keep the universe moving in endless balance -in whatever form we wish to perceive them. Just as Sunna steers her chariot over the sky - day after day.
Photoart by Sofia Karin Axelsson