Saturday, April 11, 2020

Trust Your Doodling

"Trust your doodling," said an artist woman I interviewed for The Echo World some years back. So I finally did, and realized that while I will never be an artist per se - doodling is one of the best self-healing techniques I've found so far. No prestige. No need for perfect results. Just doodling away ...

Eir - Old Norse Healer and Medicine Woman

Inti - Familiare of Creativity

Hel - Old Norse Goddess of the Underworld

The Echo World Magical Extra: Power Animal Song for Troubled Times

This is a song I wrote many years ago, about the magnificent animal Bat. A grand helper in troubled times. Translation below. // Stay cool Sofia The Bat Song: Hanging up side down in the cave and I'm dreaming x2 Bones in the soil, dancing with skeletons, laughing at Death, and know that it is right. Hanging up side down .... Finding the woman in pale green clothes, she's sitting by fabric, needles and leather. What will she mend, what will she sow, what will she cut, what will she make anew? Hanging up side down .... Falling and flying, falling and flying ... over city, over land, over waters, over moors. Hanging up side down ... Dancing with the woman in pale green clothes, dancing with skeletons, dancing with the clan's mothers and fathers. Falling and flying, falling and flying ... over city, over land, over waters, over moors. Finding my Soul.

To Loose a Dream and Loosing Dream Ceremony

When you loose a dream the ramifications are usually underestimated. A dream is a vague thing after all, different from goals; a dream is an...