Saturday, November 27, 2021

Shadow Dreams from Last Night

In my dreams there was a cat. First the size of a doll house, then big as the cabin where I live. He moved between trees and shrubs, his shadow transparent and huge. That was all I saw – his shadow. I felt him watching me. Forever protecting me.

There were horses running in front of a storefront window. I thought the image of the forceful horses against the still display in the window would be a great photo. So, I picked up my camera. But I was too slow. All I caught was a hoof and the end of a tail.

There were wings. Soot black with powdered green around the feathered sides. I do not know to whom they belonged, but they appeared in several sizes. As if waiting, for the right sized beings.

Those were my dreams. Just last night. 


California and Aftermath Contemplating

  A calm spot, Chinatown, San Francisco I did a small trip recently. To California. It made me think about things, as trips usually do. Most...